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Samantha Dickerson 
rot Reader/Life Coach/Trinity Reiki Practitioner

Hello! If you are coming across this page I am excited for you! Here and now is an opportunity for you to receive guidance and love. I want to help lead you toward whatever goal you have for yourself. I want to help you heal and find clarity in your present situation so that you might look toward the future and realize whatever you desire is already yours, because YOU are the creator of that future my friend. So, call me today and let me help you step into YOUR power, YOUR destiny, YOUR rightful role as the creator of a beautiful and abundant future for yourself!

With so much love and light,


Tarot Readings

Trinity Reiki Energy Healing

Whether it be love, career, family relationships, etc., through tarot and oracle cards I can advise you on all matters of life.

Please be aware, a tarot reading is simply a snapshot of where things are in your life and where they are headed based on your current mindset & choices. It is not something that is necessarily set in stone. You have the power to change your mind and change your course.


As a Trinity Reiki Master and Practitioner, my energy frequency is attuned so that I might be a clear channel for assisting you in healing and processing any energetic blocks that are holding you back in your life. Whether it be in your emotional, mental, or physical environment it likely stems from blocks in your energetic body. This assistance is something you will receive in every reading.

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